Zines & Manga/Comics | ジン・漫画

To purchase any of the below, please contact me. I can organise postage for Japan and Australia, or a digital download for people based elsewhere.


Kikoku | 帰国

Yasuko’s self-published manga “Kikoku” is an unadorned retelling of her unplanned return to Japan to attend the funeral of her grandmother, and the experience of reuniting with family after years spent apart.

Price: AUD $12.00

But Plastic Surgery Is Scary! | 「だって、整形が怖い!」

My contribution to Soft Stir issue 2 — Stories of Healing.

The work explores the relationship between societally internalised racism and body image, particularly as it relates to the monolid eye as an archetype of the east-Asian face.

I recall my own healing journey through a central narrative of a trip to a cosmetic store: the realisation that my internalised ideals were an artificial construction, provoking an anxiety I never knew I had.

Cameraroll nikki mini zine | カメラロール日記ミニジン

A mini zine about Yasuko’s travels in Paris.

Price: AUD $3.00

Five Japanese People on Australia And Japan

A zine collaboration between Yasuko and four Japanese friends: Kana, Chiharu, Seira and Mari — exploring the differences between Australia and Japan.

Price: AUD $5.00


0-8 Free Paper

Illustrated column series focusing on the perspective of women in their thirties, by way of Yasuko’s personal experience.


0-8 mag vol.9 Japanese Girl

A zine exploring (east) Asian beauty standards and misogyny in Japanese culture.

Price: AUD $5.00

Working Holiday | シドニーのワーキングホリデー日記

A serialised comic diary about my experience working in a western-Sydney Lebanese restaurant. (Unfinished.)



0-8 mag vol.8

Volume eight in the 0-8 magazine series, exploring beauty standards in Japan.

Price: AUD $5.00


a fitting love

An illustrated zine made for an one-night event, ‘a fitting love’, in Tokyo.